Thunder Temple

Alignment: Thunder
Class: Energy
Hits: 5000
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 5000
Energy to Build: None
The blood of holy men is the elixir of destiny.

Rain Temple
Wind Temple
Thunder Temple

The Temple is the ultimate center of Energy on each island. Temples take one of three forms, as listed above.

As long as your Temple is standing, your Priest will heal during battle. They also confer the following benefits:

1. You may build bridges off of the island containing the Temple.
2. The island is warded against enemy construction. No enemy may build on it.
3. Transports may return Storm Crystals to the Temple to turn them to Storm Power.

These benefits are nearly identical to the Outpost, a key unit in multiplayer play.

Hit F4 to jump to your Temple during game play.

Find out about using the Temple for:
Acquiring Storm Power
Making Golems
Generating Energy

NetStorm Titanic Entertainment

Copyright © 1997 Titanic and Activision.
All rights reserved.
