Whirligig Alignment: SunClass: Aerial Attack Hits: 25 Range: 30 Damage: 10 Cost in Storm Power: n/a Energy to Build: None |
"This device is lofted on its own impossibility, and so it destroys by the powers of negation." -Jakob Hammersholt, inventor of the Whirligig. The Whirligigs fly into enemy territory, wreaking havoc on enemy units from above. Generated by Whirlibases, they go from target to target until something knocks them out of the sky, but they need to refuel once every minute. A Whirligig cannot be used for cargo. Rule to remember: A Whirligig will never target a Transport. Note: Nothing can ever be targeted by more than three Aerial Attackers at once, and Ground Transports are only targeted by one Aerial Attacker at a time. |
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