Man o'War

Alignment: Rain
Class: Aerial Attack
Hits: 200
Range: 28
Damage: 20
Cost in Storm Power: n/a
Energy to Build: None
"I train my men to slaughter each other at the very sight of it." -Deisen Trow, Leader of the Band of Seerin

Generated by Man o' War Pool, the Man o' War flies into enemy territory, wreaking havoc from above.

Each one lives for one minute, tearing up everything below it. If it kills something the Storm Power released nourishes the Man o' War and it will survive for another minute.

The Man o' War prefers to attack Ground Transports, but if none are available it will strike at the nearest unit.

Each Man o' War is about twice as tough as a Balloon. It cannot be used for cargo.

Note: Nothing can ever be targeted by more than three Aerial Attackers at once, and Ground Transports are only targeted by one Aerial Attacker at a time.

NetStorm Titanic Entertainment

Copyright © 1997 Titanic and Activision.
All rights reserved.
