Kid-Tested Mother-Approved
Vanilla Bob
Fun for all ages (although your 2-year-old might just chew on it and
drool a lot, he's still having fun)! Relish the information below as
an oasis of commercialism in a desert of commercialism.
 my Nintendogs neighborhood
Gaia Dream Creator
How to mount a projector to your ceiling with $13 worth of metal.
I want to attend parties that are several hours travel away.
I'm an ordained minister. You can become one too. Become legally
authorized to perform marriages, burials, etc. Just don't embarras
us. (BTW, I haven't actually done any ministerial stuff, but I would
given time and necessity).
The RFC archive at IETF.
Here's a cute ASCII art graphic of a napping cat I found while searching the web for technical info:
|\ _,,,---,,_
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Kevin Alan Pieckiel
'---''(_/--' `-'_)
Robert Forsman <>
Last modified: Wed Apr 24 11:05:10 1996