Reliability Ratings

Every player gets a Reliability Rating that indicates how often he finishes games.

At first this may seem unimportant - but consider how disappointing it can be when your enemy disconnects right at the end of a battle - just so you won't beat him.

That is where Reliability Ratings come in. Whenever somebody disconnects from an unfinished battle and never returns, their Reliability Rating goes down. Of course, it's impossible to tell whether they disconnected intentionally, or whether their Internet connection is poor. A disconnect is a disconnect. So a low Reliability Rating might just mean you have a flaky Internet connection - not that you're a sore loser.

You can view a player's Reliability Rating in the Challenge area by right-clicking on their island. A Reliability Rating of 100% is as good as it gets. A Rating of 0% means they have never finished any games!

If you find yourself with a low Reliability Rating you might consider switching Internet Service Providers.

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