Battle Options

Battle options change the initial conditions of a battle.

Bridge Slots - determines how many bridges will appear in your Production Window during the game.

Unit Rate - determines how quickly units refresh in your Production Window. For example, when you lay a unit down in the game its image in the Production Window will stay dimmed for a while. Increase the Unit Rate and it will light up more quickly.

Generator Range - describes how far a Generator will cast its energy. A longer range means it's easier to deploy high level units (but there is less strategy to the game).

Kill Reward - When you destroy an enemy unit you usually get one quarter of the Storm Power value of that unit. You can change the reward value with this option.

per Geyser - How much Storm Power will each Geyser produce?

Breakable Alliances - Are players allowed to break alliances once they have made them? Normally you cannot break alliances. If you want greater freedom you can switch this to Yes.

Excluded Units - If you don't want to allow certain units to be built during your battle, exclude them here.

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